Understanding and Developing Risk Intelligence Unit 10 – Overseas Online
19 November 2017
The Social Amplification of Risk Unit 8 – Overseas Online
21 November 2017Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this unit, Participants should be able to:
- Understand the implications of a social psychology of risk for diagnostics and culture evaluation
- Identify contemporary theories of culture and relevance to the social psychology of risk
- Investigate theories of knowledge and the implication of implicit knowing for understanding human judgment and decision making
- Utilise the competing values framework and diagnostics for culture analysis and change
- Recognise cultural indicators in organisations and report regarding culture and risk
- Develop methods for managing diagnosing organisational culture and interventions
Required Text
Long, R (2014) For the Love of Zero, Human fallibility and Risk.
Assessment 1 MiProfile Design
Participants will be expected to design a MiProfile survey in class and present that design to the class. The design will include consideration of methodology and many hidden aspects of survey polling and statements. These will be formulated in a MiProfile Matrix.
Assignment 2 –Survey Report
The purpose of this assignment is for Participants to conduct a MiProfile Survey and provide analysis and recommendations in an ‘entry level’ report.
Topics will include:
- Understanding semiology and semiotics
- Understanding critical and cultural theory
- Foundations to implicit/tacit knowledge
- Defining culture and cultural indicators
- Mapping culture, Culture GPS
- Understanding the Competing Culture Values Framework
- MiProfile methodology
- Survey mapping
- Semiotic observations
- Constructing and reporting the MiProfile Diagnostic Tool
- Using MiProfile methodology for other cultural observations
- Case studies of models and types of surveying
- The mechanics of surveying using the MiProfile tool
- Testing a survey
- Reporting and report writing
Texts and references
Required texts
Cameron, K., and Quinn, R., (1999) Diagnosing and Changing Organisational Culture: Based on the Competing Values Framework. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass.
Long, R., (2013) For the Love of Zero, Human Fallibility and Risk Scotoma Press, Canberra.
Schein, E., (2010) Organisational Culture and Leadership. Jossey Bass. San Francisco.
Recommended references
Alter, A., (2013) Drunk, Tank, Pink. Penguin. London.
Andrade, R., and Strauss, C., (eds.) (1992) Human Motives and Cultural Models. Cambridge. London.
Neville, B., Dalamau, T., (2008) Olympus Inc. Intervening for Culture Change in Organisations. Karnac, London.
Further references
Banaji, M. R., Hardin, C., & Rothman, A. J. (1993) Implicit Stereotyping in Person Judgment. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology. Vol 65, No., 2, pp. 272-281.
Bargh, J. A., (ed.) (2007) Social Psychology and the Unconscious: The Automaticity of Higher Mental Processes. Psychology Press, New York.
Bate, P., (2002) Strategies for Cultural Change. Butterworth, Oxford.
Brown, V., Harris, J., and Russell, J., (2010) Tackling Wicked Problems Through Transdiciplinary Imagination. Earthscan, London.
Chui, C., and Hong, Y., (2006) Social Psychology of Culture. Psychology Press, New York.
Conway, R., (1992) The Rage for Utopia. Allen and Unwin, St Leonards.
Douglas, M., and Wildavsky, A., (1982) Risk and Culture. University of California Press, Berkeley.
Driskill, G., and Brenton, A., (2005) Organisational Culture in Action. Sage Books, London.
Easthope, A., and McGowan, K., (eds.) (1992) A Critical and Cultural theory Reader. Allen and Unwin, North Sydney.
Evans, D., (2012) Risk Intelligence, How to Live with Uncertainty. Free Press. New York.
Furedi, F., (2004) Therapy Culture. Routledge. London.
Gardner, H., (1993) Frames of Mind, The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, Fontana, London.
Gigerenzer, G., (2007) Gut Feelings: The intelligence of the unconscious. Viking, New York.
Gladwell, M., (2002) The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference. Little, Brown and Co., Boston.
Gladwell, M., (2005) Blink. Penguin, London.
Harris, R., (1999) Information Graphics, A Comprehensive Illustrated Reference, Visual Tools for Analysing, managing and Communicating. Oxford University Press, London.
Harrison, L., and Huntington, S., (eds.) (2000) Culture Matters, How Values Shapes Human Progress. Basic Books. New York.
Hassin, R., Uleman, J., and Bargh, J., (2005) The New Unconscious. Oxford University Press, London.
Hofstede, G., (2001) Culture’s Consequences. Sage. New York.
Hofstede, G., J., Pedersen, P., and Hofstede, G., (2002) Exploring Culture. Intercultural Press, Boston.
Hofstede, G., and Hofstede, G. J., (2005) Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind. McGraw Hill, New York.
Hopkins, A., (2005) Safety, Culture and Risk. CCH Australia, North Ryde.
Hyerle, D., (2009) Visual Tools for Tranforming Information into Knowledge. Corwin Press, California.
Klein, G., (2013) Seeing What Others Don’t, The Remarkable Ways We Gain Insights. Perseus Books, New York.
Morris, R. (2012) Scoping Study: Impact of Fly-in Fly-out/Drive-in Drive-out Work Practices on Local Government. Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government, University of Technology, Sydney.
Moskowitz, G., and Grant, H., (eds.) (2009) The Psychology of Goals .The Guilford Press, New York.
Neville, B., Dalamau, T., (2008) Olympus Inc. Intervening for Culture Change in Organisations. Karnac, London.
O’Driscoll, M., Taylor, P., and Kalliath, T., (2005) Organisational Psychology in Australia and New Zealand. Oxford University Press, London.
Polanyi, M., (1962) Personal Knowledge: Towards a Post-Critical Philosophy. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Quinn, N., (ed) (2005) Finding Culture in Talk. Palgrave McMillan. New York.
Raynor, M., (2007) The Strategy Paradox, Why Committing to Success Leads to Failure. Doubleday, New York.
Reber, A., (1993) Implicit Learning and Tacit Knowledge. Oxford University Press, London.
Roughton, J., and Mercurio, J., (2002) Developing and Effective Safety Culture: A Leadership Approach. Butterworth Heinemann, Boston.
Samuel, R., and Jones, G., (eds.) (1982) Culture, Ideology and Politics. Routledge. London.
Sardar, Z., and Van Loon, B., (2013) Introducing Cultural Studies, A Graphic Guide. Icon Books. London.
Schein, E., (2011) Helping, How to Offer, Give and Receive Help. Berrett- Koehler Publishers, San Francisco.
Sloan, J., (2006) Learning to Think Strategically. Elsevier, New York.
Steg, L., Buunk, A., and Rothengatter, T., (2012) Applied Social Psychology, Understand- ing and Managing Social Problems. Cambridge University Press. London.
Thomas, S., (2005) Improving Maintenance and Reliability Through Cultural Change. Industrial Press. New York.
Vaughan, G., and Hogg, M., (1998) Introduction to Social Psychology. Prentice Hall, Sydney.
Vecchio, R., (2000) Organisational Behaviour: Core Concepts. Dryden Press, Fort Worth.
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