
Philosophy and SPoR – Module 23
9 October 2023
Mythology and Risk – Module 25
9 October 2023
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Jung, Kierkegaard and Ellul – Module 24





Previous any four modules in SPoR.




This module explores the work of the three foundational philosophers to the work of SPoR – Soren Kierkegaard, Carl Jung and Jacques Ellul. There are many philosophers associated in Existenialist (not Existentialism) Phenomenology, Dialectic (not Hegelian) and radical Christianity.


Kierkegaard (1813-1855) was a Danish philosopher often attributed as the founder of the Existentialist worldview and the importance of faith. His lyrical writing, Poetics and apologetic against: Hegel, Swedenborg, Fichte and Shelling are crucial to understand his philosophy. Kierkegaard is not afraid of subjectivity and exposes the delusions of the myth of objectivity.


Jung (1875-1961) was a Swiss psychiatrist who separated from Freud because of the way Freud understood the human person negatively and sexually. Jung’s work on the unconscious, Collective Unconscious, Archetypes, Metaphysics, Semiotics (symbolism), Mythology, Personality, the Mind and, Psychology of Religion, is unparalleled.


Jacques Ellul (1912-1994) was a French Philosopher, Historian, Sociologist, Lawyer, Radical Theologian, Marxist Economist and Political Critic. He wrote more than 50 books on all these subjects, the most famous his work on Technique (the quest for efficiency), Christian Anarchism and Justice. His philosophy is dialectical, existentialist and Marxist. His most challenging work to tackle is The Ethics of Freedom.


All three hold a position of Radical Christianity and understand the Scriptures Poetically, Mythologically and Semiotically. All three accept the paradox of existence, dialectic in being and person-focused orientation/disposition.


Required text


Greenman, J., Schuchardt, R and Toly, N., (2012). Understanding Jacques Ellul.  Cascade Books.  Eugene Oregon.


Hong, H., and Hong, E., (eds.) (2000) The Essential Kierkegaard. Princeton University Press. Preinceton.


Jung, C. G., (1964) Man and His Symbols. Dell, New York.


It is also suggested that participants read background information through Wikipedia or Britannica.


Videos Lectures


There are currently no recorded videos for this module.


There are however, extensive videos on all three on Youtube.


Learning Outcomes


By the end of this module participants will:


  1. Better understand the foundations of SPoR
  2. Learn about the nature of SPoR philosophy
  3. Understand Dialectic, Existentialist, Phenomenology and Radical Christian Theology
  4. Consider how critical principles such as Technique, Socialitie, Mentalitie, Collective Unconscious, Archetypes, Semiotics, Mythology, Fallibility and Metaphysics help tackle the wickedity of risk.
  5. Consider how SPoR philosophy drives: Ethic, Ontology and Worldview
  6. Challenge philosophies that demonise the human person
  7. Challenge philosophies of measurement and the myth of objectivity
  8. Work towards articulating their own ontology
  9. Read critical texts by Kierkegaard, Jung and Ellul
  10. Apply knowledge to the nature of tackling risk




  • Background and life of Kierkegaard
  • Formation against Hegelian dialectic
  • Overview of philosophies of certainty and myth of objectivity (Kant, Descartes).
  • Kierkegaardian existentialism against Sartre and Nietzsche
  • Lyrical Poetic knowing
  • The fear of subjectivity
  • The nature and fear of Faith
  • A study of the Book of Job (Blake and Jung)
  • Anxiety about Death (Becker)
  • Metaphysics and the rejection of Materialism, Positivism and Behaviourism
  • Can risk be known?
  • Jung and the Unconscious and Collective Unconscious
  • Mandala
  • The nature of Archetypes, Semiosphere, Symbols and Semiotic knowing
  • Dialectic with the Shadow
  • The fear of mystery and paradox
  • Making the Unconscious Conscious through iCue listening
  • Facing our mythologies
  • Who then is the human fallible person?
  • Mapping ontology and dialectic
  • The nature of Technique
  • Forces that have power to themselves – Money, Power
  • Reading Ellul – freedom and necessity
  • The nature of resistance and cognitive dissonance
  • Conversion, e-motion and movement
  • Rejecting dogma and fundamentalism
  • Wickedity and risk
  • Semiotics as language
  • Knowing and being as a ‘dance’
  • The nature of Power and the politics of risk
  • Leaps of faith
  • The faith and reason dialectic



You are expected to keep a journal (A4 if possible) of reflections particularly in relationship to reading the readings and making visits on a related semiotic walk.

Your journal is a thinking, documenting, reflecting book where you use the visual and spacial literacy tools provided in previous units (and experience from the unit on Semiotics) to interrogate space and place and how these relate to following-leading. The key questions for thinking are on the visual and spacial literacy tool.

Your journal can include: photos, floor diagrams, concept mapping, sketches, dot points, flyers, pictures, notes, Venn diagrams, images of semiotics, concept maps, doodles, notes on words, slogans and text or any form of input that helps show how you think and reflect on what you saw.

The purpose of the journal is for you to demonstrate your skill in interrogating place and place and how this defines philosophy.

All philosophy (methodology) is displayed in method, design and the physical world. Eg. Architecture as a philosophy is evident in design, art, music, theatre, literature and the Poetics of Space.

Your journal needs to be posted to Rob at 10 Jens Place Kambah ACT 2902 or








CLLR maintain a dropbox readings account where all readings relevant to studies can be accessed.



Reading List


Ellul, J., (1964) The Technological Society. Vintage Books, New York.

Ellul, J., (1965) Propaganda, The Formation of Men’s Attitudes. Vintage Books, New York.


Ellul,J., (1969) Violence. Mowbrays, London.


Ellul, J., (1973) Propaganda, The Formation of Men’s Attitudes. Vintage Books. New York.
Ellul, J., (1976) The Ethics of Freedom. Eerdmanns, Michigan.

Ellul, J., (1979) Money and Power. IVP Press, Illinois.

Ellul, J., (1981) Perspectives on Our Age, Jacques Ellul Speaks on His Life and Work. HarperCollins, Scarborough..


Ellul, J., (1988) Jesus and Marx, From Gospel to Ideology. Eerdmans, Michagan.


Ellul, J., (1989) What I Believe. Eerdmans. Michigan.


Ellul, J., (1990) The Technological Bluff. Eerdmans, Michigan.


Ellul, J., (1997) Sources and Trajectories. Eerdmans, Michigan.


Greenman, J., Schuchardt, R and Toly, N., (2012). Understanding Jacques Ellul.  Cascade Books.  Eugene Oregon.


Hong, H., and Hong, E., (eds.) (2000) The Essential Kierkegaard. Princeton University Press. Preinceton.


Jung, C. G., (1958) Symbols of Transformation. Bollingen, Princeton.


Jung, C. G., (1958) Answer to Job. Bollingen Press. Princeton.

Jung, C.G. (1959) Mandala Symbolism. Bollingen, Princeton.

Jung, C. G., (1960) Syncronicity. Princeton University Press, New York.

Jung, C. G., (1964) Man and His Symbols. Dell, New York.

Jung, C. G., (1968) Psychology and Alchemy. Bollingen, Princeton.

Jung, C. G., (1968) The Archetypes and The Collective Unconscious. Bollingen, Princeton.


Kierkegaard, S., The Concept of Anxiety. A Simple Psychologically Oriented Deliberation in View of the Dogmatic Problem of Hereditary Sin. Translated and Edited Hannay, A., (2014) Norton and Co. New York.


Kierkegaard, S., Fear and Trembling, and The Sickness Unto Death. Translated Walter Lowrie (1974) Princeton. New Jersey.


Resources on Jung


Jung Webpages


Jung Society


Jung Resources


CG Jung Foundation


Jung Depth Psychology


Jung Websitess


Ten Minute Introduction to Jung


Videos on Jung


A Dangerous Method


A Matter of the Heart


The Wisdom of the Dream


Interview with Jung


Audio Books


Man and His Symbols


The World Within


  1. G. Jung Speaking


Archetypes and The Collective Unconscious


Memories, Dreams, Reflections


Approaching the Unconscious


The Undiscovered Self


The Red Book


The Phenomenology of the Self




Psychology and Alchemy


Christ, A Symbol of the Self


On Jung


In Defense of Jung – James Hillman




Books (free downloads)

Also comprehensive access to most of his books in Dropbox Readings


The Beginner Guide to Reading Jung


Start with This

The Undiscovered Self


Man and His Symbols


The Archetypes and The Collective Unconscious


Freud and Psychoanalysis


The Psychology of C G Jung



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