
Embodiment, Learning and Risk – Module 26
9 October 2023
iCue Engagement – Module 28
9 October 2023
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Buber, i-thou and Risk – Module 27





Any previous four modules in SPoR.




This module is based on a 4 part series of lectures by Graham Long on Buber’s foundational text i-thou. You can read about Graham Long here:



Graham brings his depth of experience in working with the vulnerable and marginalised to the work of Buber and the possibility of ‘meeting’. The kind of ‘meeting’ Buber speaks of is not about having a meeting’ but rather, connecting in community in Socialitie.


Graham is the brother of Dr Robert Long and they both share a similar worldview that understands and prioritises persons in tackling risk. Graham’s work in the Wayside Chapel Kings Cross situates Graham in the everyday risks of life and death on the streets of Sydney, Australia. Whilst Graham doesn’t directly focus on risk, he does by implication tackle the risks of ‘i-it’, alienation from oneself and others and the toxicity of Behaviourism, Positivism and Individualism.


Required text


Buber, M., (1937) i-thou.  T&T Clarke.  London.


Videos Lectures


Videos are available here:

Password is provided on registration.


Learning Outcomes


By the conclusion of this video series participants will:


  • Better understand the life and work of Martin Buber
  • Better understand the nature of dialogue, listening and engagement
  • Tackle the challenging reading of i-thou
  • Understand Buber in contrast to dominant worldviews in risk and safety
  • Discuss Buber’s i-thou and its implications for risk
  • Understand the i-it
  • Gain realisation about meeting, community, dialogue and Socialitie
  • Prepare receptivity for ‘meeting’




  • This series of videos is structured around the four parts of the text i-thou.
  • Participants are expected to read the book and journal questions.
  • The challenge is in the complexity of Buber’s language and ideas.
  • Participants are not expected to gain a comprehensive understanding of Buber but rather an introductory understanding.
  • Other books of Buber are available for the Module via dropbox.



You are expected to keep a journal (A4 if possible) of reflections particularly in relationship to reading the readings and making visits on a related semiotic walk.

Your journal is a thinking, documenting, reflecting book where you use the visual and spacial literacy tools provided in previous units (and experience from the unit on Semiotics) to interrogate space and place and how these relate to following-leading. The key questions for thinking are on the visual and spacial literacy tool.

Your journal can include: photos, floor diagrams, concept mapping, sketches, dot points, flyers, pictures, notes, Venn diagrams, images of semiotics, concept maps, doodles, notes on words, slogans and text or any form of input that helps show how you think and reflect on what you saw.

The purpose of the journal is for you to demonstrate your skill in interrogating place and place and how this defines philosophy.

All philosophy (methodology) is displayed in method, design and the physical world. Eg. Architecture as a philosophy is evident in design, art, music, theatre, literature and the Poetics of Space.

Your journal needs to be posted to Rob at 10 Jens Place Kambah ACT 2902 or







CLLR maintain a dropbox readings account where all readings relevant to studies can be accessed.


Reading List


Buber, M., (1937) i-thou.  T&T Clarke.  London.


The Life of Dialogue


Listening as embracing the other: Martin Buber’s Philosophy of Dialogue


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