Due Diligence & Social Amplification of Risk Perth Workshop July 2019
17 April 2019SEEK, The Social Psychology of Event Investigations Unit 2 (eLearning)
22 June 2020Social Psychology of Risk
The way humans make judgments and decisions is fundamental to developing Risk Intelligence.
The social psychology of risk and cultural context are critical to tackling the challenges of risk in the workplace.
The Program gives attendees an understanding of the terrain of risk. Participants will receive exposure to pioneering work in the social psychology of risk and skill development in Risk Intelligence.
Who Should Attend
- Leaders and Managers
- WHS Professionals
- Security Professionals
- OperationsManagers
- Risk Managers
- Site Managers
- HR Professionals
- Project Managers
Training Strategies
- Lecture
- Group work
- Microtraining
- Semiotics mapping
- Experiential learning
Workshop Overview
DAY 1 Psychology of Risk Intro
DAY 2 Risk Intelligence
DAY 3 Applied Social Psychology in Risk
Learning Outcomes
By the conclusion of the Program participants will:
- Develop a stronger capability in risk intelligence.
- Understand how the social psychology of risk is foundational to effective management of risk
- Better understand the nature of culture, language, discourse and semiotics as ‘frames’ for risk intelligence.
- Learn about “hidden” aspects of culture and human decision making which increase understanding about events.
- Learn about tame, messy and wicked risk leadership.
- Understand a number of collaborative strategies for tackling wicked risk issues
- Better understand the intent of AS/NZS 31000 and HB 327.
- Become alert to priming, framing, anchoring, pitching and flooding in the attribution and amplification of risk.
- Access a range of tools to understand and influence human decision making at work.
- Be skilled in understanding perception and motivation.
- Better assess how Primary Secondary and Tertiary approaches in risk can be identified.
- Understand a range of critical principles in social psychology of risk
- Develop skills in using tools for Risk Intelligence.
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