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iThink – Critical Thinking, Dialectic and Risk Unit 12


SKU: MasterUnit12 Category:


This is a unit that brings together the complex Body of Knowledge in the Social Psychology of Risk (SPoR), aspects of Critical and Cultural Theory, Critical Thinking skills and the dialectical methodology at the foundation of SPoR. The structure of the unit works through the nature of popular philosophies in risk, methodologies, ideologies, ontologies and ethical conundrums that are strewn across the risk genre and landscape but that are rarely named or discussed.

The unit teaches participants how to use the iThink Critical Thinking Clock as well as essential skills in deconstruction, interpretation and hermeneutics . The iThink Clock is a tool to help in the deconstruction and analysis of what lies at the foundation of many popular ideas and methods in risk. The many methods on the market rarely disclose their underlying beliefs, values and philosophies. This unit teaches participants how to critique, develop an ontology and understand hidden philosophies.

DATE: 7,8,9 June 2017

LOCATION: Canberra Australia


The unit tackles the following ideas and concepts:

  • The foundations of SPoR BoK
  • Exploring ideologies and philosophies
  • Traditions and pathways in SPoR
  • What is Critical Theory?
  • What is Cultural Theory?
  • The dynamic of dialectic
  • Understanding Jacques Ellul and Soren Kierkegaard
  • Isms and anthropology
  • Using the iThink Clock
  • Concept mapping the history of ideas
  • Deconstruction and analysis
  • Articulating one’s own philosophy/ontology
  • The purpose of critical thinking: personhood, meaning, purpose, wisdom and discernment
  • Philosophical principles and problems
  • Resources and applications

Expected Outcomes

By the end of this unit participants will:

  • Have a solid overview of the history of ideas and governing philosophies in western culture
  • Understand the philosophy of SPoR
  • Develop skills for critique and deconstruction of ideas
  • Better interrogate hidden assumptions and ontologies in methods and risk narratives
  • Use the iThink Clock to examine, analyse and deconstruct ideas and methods
  • Understand how methods hide methodologies
  • Identify and articulate one’s own philosophy of risk


Critique of 3 common models of risk management using the iThink Clock.

Articulation of personal philosophy and ethic of risk.


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Bunnin,  N., and Tsui-James, E, P.,  (eds.) (2003)  The Blackwell Companion to Philosophy.  Blackwell.  London.

Butterworth, J.,  and  Thwaites, G.,  (2005)    Thinking Skills    Cambridge,  London.

Cassell, P.,  (1993)  The Giddens Reader.  Macmillan,  London.

Copleston, F.,  (1994)  A History of Philosophy.  Volumes 1-10.  Doubleday.  New York.

De Botton, A.,  (2000)  The Consolations of Philosophy.  Vintage.  New York.

Ellul, J.,  (1976)  The Ethics of Freedom.  Eerdmans.  Michigan.

Graham, G. (2004)  Eight Theories of Ethics.  Routledge, New York.

Greenman, J.,  Schuchardt, R., and Toly, N.,  (2012)  Understanding Jacques Ellul.  Cascade Books,  Eugene Oregon.

Groff,  R.,  (2014)  Subject and Object, Frankfurt School Writings on Epistemology, Ontology and Method.  Bloomsbury,  New York.

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Herberg, W.  (ed) (1956)  The Writings of Martin Buber.  New American Library.  New York.

, L. M.,  (1923)  Selections From the Writings of Kierkegaard.   University of Texas.  Austin.

Jones,  W, T.,  and Fogelin,  R.,  (2009)   The Twentieth Century to Quine and Derrida.  Hardcourt.  Fort Worth.

Kuhn,  T.,  (2012)  The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.  University of Chicago Press.  London.

Law, J.,  (2004)  After Method, Mess in Social Science Research.    Routledge.  New York.

LeGault, M.,  (2006)  Think.  Threshold Press.  New York.

MacIntrye, A.,  (1987)  After Virtue, a Study in Moral Theory.  Duckworth.  London.

Mizzoni, J.,  (2010)  Ethics, The Basics.  Wiley-Blackwell.  New York.

Neuman, W. L.,  (2000)    Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches    Pearson Education Co.,  Needham Heights.

Paul, R.,  1993    Critical Thinking    Jane Willsen and A J A Binker,  Santa Rosa, CA.

Polanyi, M., (1962)  Personal Knowledge: Towards a Post-Critical Philosophy. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

Raibinow, P.,  (1984)  The Foucault Reader.  Penguin.  London.

Reber, A., (1993) Implicit Learning and Tacit Knowledge. Oxford University Press, London.

Rhodes, J., and Thame, S., (1988)  The Colours of Your Mind, The Revolutionary Approach to managing Your Thinking Style.  Collins, London.

Singer, P. (1993)   A Companion to Ethics.   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Malden USA

Sloan, J., (2006)  Learning to Think Strategically.  Elsevier, New York.

Tanssjo, T. (2002)   An Introduction to Moral Theory.   Edinburgh University Press Ltd. Edinburgh

Ware, C., (2008)  Visual Thinking for Design.  Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Elsevier, Amsterdam.


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